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Van Duuren Permaculture

Boreal Soulutions




I would like to create a harmonious way of living which is good for the earth, connects people with themselves, each other and nature. I would like to create awareness trough permaculture in how we can live sustainable and how we can take care of ourself, each other and mother earth.

I see what is going on with mother earth and that people get distanced from themselves and nature. I think permaculture has the right tools and solutions to create sustainable systems. I get so much joy and happiness when working with permaculture and I would like to share that with you so that other people also experience a happy life where needs are fulfilled in a sustainable way. The 9th permaculture principle states use small and slow solutions which I am going to do with starting to share my permaculture experience with you through this website and I will let it grow organically and see where I will go from here.

I see myself in the future having my own business where I teach and inspire people about permaculture, where I make designs for government or other clients and where I connect people with nature again. I will make permaculture more visible in Northern Sweden and find soulutions to do Nordic permaculture in a harsh climate.

My experience

I started with my bachelor in applied biology with a specialization in Dutch ecology, which I finished in 2009. Thereafter I did my masters in forest and nature conservation and when I got a course in agroforestry I got this Eureka moment and for me it was obvious that we should use the wisdom of nature more in our agricultural systems. In 2015 Wageningen university started with the course permaculture and I was so happy to take this course. After I finished my studies I wanted to start my own permaculture farm but I finally ended up working at a biodynamic market garden and aquaponics cityfarm, which gave me a lot of practical experience. Now I am going to take it to a next level and start with my permaculture diploma so I can make designs for clients and teach permaculture in the future.

Boreal forest Umeå

Boreal Soulutions

I live in the boreal forest region which is the largest land biome in the world and plays an important role in carbon sequestration. It is and harsh and cold climate and all organisms that live here are adapted to those circumstances. We have a short growing season from June until the end of August when we have a lot of light and nice temperatures. If we are lucky there will be snow from December until April. No matter how harsh this climate can be because nature will always guide us to sustainable soulutions which are good for the earth and everything that lives on it.

“Nature's book always contains the truth. We must only learn to read it”

Sepp Holzer