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Van Duuren Permaculture

Boreal Soulutions

Me ingarden

My Passion Permaculture

Via a winding road with some obstacles I eventually returned to my great passion permaculture. On this website I will post the 10 designs which I am going to develop during my permaculture diploma journey. I will post stories and imagery how I use permaculture in my daily life.
May it inspire you.

What is permaculture?

Permaculture is a holistic framework for designing sustainable environments and it is based on the 3 permaculture ethics and 12 design principles. Permaculture looks at nature, how she creates richness and abundance and how we can use the patterns from nature in our designs.

Latest from the Blog

Permaculture journey

On my way on my permaculture journey

What is permaculture? April 7, 2021

The power of a community

Together we are a collective genius April 10, 2021
Picture: Brenna Quinlan

“Wealth is a deep understanding of the natural world”

Bill Mollison